Bootstrap Provider

Deep Dive into the Bootstrap Provider in CAPT (Cluster API Provider for Tinkerbell)

The Bootstrap Provider in the Cluster API Provider for Tinkerbell (CAPT) is a crucial component that manages the process of bootstrapping nodes (both control plane and worker nodes) into a Kubernetes cluster. The bootstrap process involves setting up the necessary configurations, certificates, and other initialization tasks that allow a node to join and operate as part of the Kubernetes cluster. In CAPT, the Bootstrap Provider typically uses the KubeadmConfig or KubeadmConfigTemplate resources to facilitate this process.

Core Responsibilities of the Bootstrap Provider

  1. Node Initialization:
    • The Bootstrap Provider is responsible for initializing nodes so they can join the Kubernetes cluster. This includes generating the kubeadm configuration files, certificates, and other required artifacts.
    • It ensures that nodes are correctly configured with the necessary components, such as kubelet, kubeadm, and network configurations, to communicate with the Kubernetes control plane and become part of the cluster.
  2. Kubeadm Integration:
    • The Bootstrap Provider leverages kubeadm, a tool designed to simplify Kubernetes cluster setup and management, to handle the initialization of nodes. It automates the process of running kubeadm init on control plane nodes and kubeadm join on worker nodes.
    • It provides configurations that determine how kubeadm should set up the Kubernetes components on each node, including details like API server endpoints, network plugins, and cluster certificates.
  3. Customizable Configuration:
    • The Bootstrap Provider allows users to customize the kubeadm configuration through the KubeadmConfig and KubeadmConfigTemplate resources. This customization can include specific API server arguments, DNS settings, and other Kubernetes-related configurations.
    • It supports different node roles (e.g., control plane or worker nodes) by allowing role-specific bootstrap configurations.
  4. Handling Secrets and Certificates:
    • The Bootstrap Provider manages the generation and distribution of necessary secrets and certificates required for secure communication within the Kubernetes cluster. This includes certificates for the API server, kubelet, and etcd.
    • It ensures that each node is securely integrated into the cluster with the correct cryptographic materials.

Core Components of the Bootstrap Provider

  1. KubeadmConfig:
    • Role: Provides the bootstrap configuration for individual nodes.
    • Description: The KubeadmConfig resource defines the kubeadm-specific configuration for initializing or joining a node to the Kubernetes cluster. It is used when a specific node requires a unique configuration.
    • Functions:
      • Generates the kubeadm configuration for control plane or worker nodes.
      • Handles the initialization of control plane nodes and the joining of worker nodes to the cluster.
  2. KubeadmConfigTemplate:
    • Role: Provides a reusable bootstrap configuration template.
    • Description: The KubeadmConfigTemplate resource defines a template for kubeadm configurations that can be applied to multiple nodes, ensuring consistency across similar nodes in the cluster.
    • Functions:
      • Standardizes the bootstrap process for groups of nodes, such as all worker nodes managed by a MachineDeployment.
      • Simplifies the management of bootstrap configurations by reusing a single template across multiple nodes.
  3. ClusterConfiguration:
    • Role: Manages cluster-wide settings for kubeadm.
    • Description: The clusterConfiguration section within KubeadmConfigSpec allows the definition of cluster-wide settings, such as API server arguments, network plugins, and etcd configurations.
    • Functions:
      • Customizes the kubeadm initialization process, including setting up the control plane and configuring critical cluster components.
      • Ensures that all nodes are correctly configured to integrate with the existing Kubernetes control plane.
  4. InitConfiguration and JoinConfiguration:
    • Role: Manages the specific configurations for initializing control plane nodes and joining worker nodes.
    • Description: These sections within KubeadmConfigSpec allow customization of how control plane nodes are initialized and how worker nodes join the cluster.
    • Functions:
      • initConfiguration: Handles the specifics of initializing a control plane node, such as configuring etcd and the API server.
      • joinConfiguration: Manages the process of worker nodes joining the cluster, ensuring they connect securely to the control plane.

Working Example: Using the Bootstrap Provider for an Intel NUC-based Kubernetes Cluster

Let’s go through a practical example of defining and managing the Bootstrap Provider in CAPT to bootstrap Intel NUCs into a Kubernetes cluster.

1. Define the KubeadmConfig Resource for a Control Plane Node

The KubeadmConfig resource specifies the bootstrap configuration for a control plane node, including how it should be initialized using kubeadm.

kind: KubeadmConfig
  name: nuc-control-plane-bootstrap
  namespace: default
        enable-admission-plugins: NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStorageClass,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota
        dataDir: /var/lib/etcd
        cloud-provider: external
        cloud-provider: external

Key components of this configuration:

  • clusterConfiguration: Defines cluster-wide settings for the API server, etcd, and other Kubernetes components.
  • initConfiguration: Handles the specifics of initializing the control plane node, including kubelet arguments.
  • joinConfiguration: Prepares the node to join the cluster, ensuring it connects securely to the control plane.

Apply this resource using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f kubeadm-config.yaml

This command creates the KubeadmConfig resource, which will be used to bootstrap the control plane node.

2. Define the KubeadmConfigTemplate for Worker Nodes

The KubeadmConfigTemplate resource provides a reusable template for bootstrapping multiple worker nodes, ensuring they are consistently configured.

kind: KubeadmConfigTemplate
  name: nuc-worker-bootstrap-template
  namespace: default
            cloud-provider: external

Key components of this configuration:

  • template: Defines a reusable bootstrap configuration for all worker nodes managed by the associated MachineDeployment.
  • joinConfiguration: Specifies how each worker node should join the cluster, ensuring they are correctly configured to communicate with the control plane.

Apply this resource:

kubectl apply -f kubeadm-config-template.yaml

This template will be used by the Bootstrap Provider to ensure that all worker nodes are bootstrapped consistently.

3. Integrate the Bootstrap Configuration with a MachineDeployment

Next, use the KubeadmConfigTemplate within a MachineDeployment to bootstrap multiple worker nodes.

kind: MachineDeployment
  name: nuc-worker-deployment
  namespace: default
  clusterName: my-nuc-cluster
  replicas: 3
    matchLabels: my-nuc-cluster
      labels: my-nuc-cluster
      version: v1.21.1
          kind: KubeadmConfigTemplate
          name: nuc-worker-bootstrap-template
        kind: TinkerbellMachineTemplate
        name: nuc-worker-template

This configuration ensures that all worker nodes in the deployment will be bootstrapped using the nuc-worker-bootstrap-template.

Apply the MachineDeployment resource:

kubectl apply -f machine-deployment.yaml

4. Monitoring the Bootstrap Process

As the nodes are bootstrapped and added to the Kubernetes cluster, you can monitor their progress with the following commands:

kubectl get kubeadmconfigs -A
kubectl get kubeadmconfigtemplates -A
kubectl get machines -A
kubectl get machinedeployments -A

These commands provide insights into the status of the bootstrap process, including the state of individual nodes and the overall deployment.

5. Handling Secrets and Certificates

The Bootstrap Provider automatically handles the generation and distribution of necessary certificates and secrets required for secure communication between the nodes and the control plane. These are typically stored as Kubernetes secrets and managed by the provider.


The Bootstrap Provider in CAPT is a vital component that ensures the successful initialization and integration of nodes into a Kubernetes cluster. By managing the kubeadm configuration, secrets, and certificates, the Bootstrap Provider automates the complex tasks involved in bootstrapping control plane and worker nodes on bare-metal infrastructure like Intel NUCs. Through its integration with Tinkerbell, the Bootstrap Provider abstracts the complexities of node initialization, allowing you to focus on higher-level cluster management tasks. This approach ensures that your Kubernetes nodes are consistently configured, securely integrated, and ready to participate in the cluster’s operations.