Machine Resource

Deep Dive into the Machine Resource in CAPT (Cluster API Provider for Tinkerbell)

The Machine Resource in the Cluster API Provider for Tinkerbell (CAPT) is a key component of the Cluster API (CAPI) ecosystem. It represents an individual node within a Kubernetes cluster, abstracting the underlying physical or virtual machine that runs Kubernetes. In the context of CAPT, the Machine Resource is closely tied to Tinkerbell’s infrastructure, managing the lifecycle of bare-metal machines that serve as Kubernetes nodes.

Core Responsibilities of the Machine Resource

  1. Node Configuration:
    • The Machine Resource defines the desired state of a Kubernetes node, including the machine type, operating system, and any specific configuration needed for the node to function within the cluster.
    • It encapsulates all the necessary information to provision, configure, and manage a bare-metal server as a Kubernetes node.
  2. Lifecycle Management:
    • The Machine Resource is responsible for managing the entire lifecycle of the node, from provisioning and configuration to updates and eventual decommissioning.
    • It interacts with Tinkerbell to ensure that the physical hardware is provisioned according to the specifications in the resource, and it handles scaling operations (e.g., adding or removing nodes) based on cluster needs.
  3. Infrastructure Integration:
    • The Machine Resource integrates with the Tinkerbell infrastructure via the infrastructureRef field, which links to a TinkerbellMachine or TinkerbellMachineTemplate. This reference allows the resource to trigger the appropriate workflows in Tinkerbell to provision the hardware.
    • This integration ensures that the machine is set up with the correct operating system, network configuration, and Kubernetes components, making it ready to join the cluster.
  4. Bootstrap Configuration:
    • The Machine Resource typically references a KubeadmConfig or KubeadmConfigTemplate that defines how the node should be bootstrapped into the Kubernetes cluster. This includes generating the necessary configuration files, certificates, and other setup tasks required to integrate the node with the control plane.

Core Components of the Machine Resource

  1. MachineSpec:
    • Role: Defines the desired state of the Kubernetes node.
    • Description: The spec section of the Machine Resource outlines the specific configuration for the node, including the version of Kubernetes to run, the bootstrap configuration, and the infrastructure reference.
    • Functions:
      • Specifies the Kubernetes version and node role (e.g., control plane, worker).
      • Defines the bootstrap configuration needed to initialize the node.
      • Links to the infrastructure-specific resource that manages the underlying hardware.
  2. MachineStatus:
    • Role: Represents the current state of the node.
    • Description: The status section of the Machine Resource provides real-time information about the node’s state, including its current phase (e.g., Provisioning, Running), provider ID, and any observed conditions.
    • Functions:
      • Tracks the progress of the node through its lifecycle stages.
      • Provides feedback on the reconciliation process to ensure the node’s actual state matches the desired state.
  3. Bootstrap Configuration:
    • Role: Manages the bootstrapping of the node.
    • Description: This field links to a bootstrap configuration resource (e.g., KubeadmConfig), which defines how the node should be initialized and configured to join the Kubernetes cluster.
    • Functions:
      • Generates the kubeadm configuration required to bootstrap the node.
      • Handles tasks like generating certificates, configuring kubelet, and setting up the necessary network components.
  4. InfrastructureRef:
    • Role: Links to the infrastructure provider resource.
    • Description: This field references the infrastructure-specific resource (e.g., TinkerbellMachine) that manages the provisioning and configuration of the physical or virtual machine.
    • Functions:
      • Ensures that the node is provisioned on the appropriate hardware, with the correct OS and network settings.
      • Coordinates with Tinkerbell to trigger the necessary workflows for machine setup.

Working Example: Using the Machine Resource for an Intel NUC-based Kubernetes Node

Let’s explore a practical example of defining and managing a Machine Resource in CAPT to provision an Intel NUC as a Kubernetes node.

1. Define the Machine Resource

The Machine resource specifies the desired state of a single Kubernetes node. It includes references to the bootstrap configuration and the underlying infrastructure.

kind: Machine
  name: nuc-control-plane-1
  namespace: default
  clusterName: my-nuc-cluster
  version: v1.21.1
      kind: KubeadmConfig
      name: nuc-control-plane-1-bootstrap
    kind: TinkerbellMachine
    name: nuc-control-plane-1

Key components of this configuration:

  • clusterName: Associates the machine with a specific Kubernetes cluster.
  • version: Specifies the Kubernetes version to be installed on this node.
  • bootstrap: References the KubeadmConfig resource that defines how this node will be bootstrapped into the cluster.
  • infrastructureRef: Links to the TinkerbellMachine resource that manages the underlying hardware provisioning.

Apply this resource using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f machine.yaml

This command creates the Machine resource, which will then trigger the provisioning of the corresponding hardware in the Tinkerbell environment.

2. Define the TinkerbellMachine Resource

The TinkerbellMachine resource represents the physical server that will be provisioned by Tinkerbell to match the Machine resource’s specifications.

kind: TinkerbellMachine
  name: nuc-control-plane-1
  namespace: default
  providerID: "tinkerbell://nuc-control-plane-1"
    manufacturer: "Intel"
    plan: "NUC"
  osImage: "ubuntu-20.04"
    name: nuc-control-plane-1-userdata

Key components of this configuration:

  • providerID: A unique identifier for the machine within the Tinkerbell environment.
  • hardwareSelector: Specifies the type of hardware (e.g., Intel NUC) to be provisioned.
  • osImage: The operating system image to install on the hardware.
  • userDataSecret: Reference to a secret that contains the user data for configuring the machine.

Apply this resource:

kubectl apply -f tinkerbell-machine.yaml

The Infrastructure Provider will ensure that Tinkerbell provisions an Intel NUC with the specified configuration.

3. Define the KubeadmConfig Resource

The KubeadmConfig resource manages the bootstrap configuration for the node, ensuring that it is correctly initialized and added to the Kubernetes cluster.

kind: KubeadmConfig
  name: nuc-control-plane-1-bootstrap
  namespace: default
        cloud-provider: external
        cloud-provider: external

Apply this resource:

kubectl apply -f kubeadm-config.yaml

This configuration ensures that the node will join the cluster as a control plane node with the necessary settings.

4. Monitoring the Node Provisioning

As the CAPT Controller Manager processes these resources, it will trigger Tinkerbell to provision the Intel NUC and bootstrap it as a Kubernetes control plane node.

Monitor the progress with:

kubectl get machines -A
kubectl get kubeadmconfigs -A
kubectl get tinkerbellmachines -A

These commands will show the status of the node as it moves through the provisioning and bootstrapping process.

5. Access the Node in the Kubernetes Cluster

Once the node has been successfully provisioned and bootstrapped, it will join the Kubernetes cluster. You can verify this by listing the nodes in the cluster:

kubectl get nodes

This command will confirm that the Intel NUC is now functioning as a control plane node in the Kubernetes cluster.


The Machine Resource in CAPT plays a crucial role in managing individual nodes within a Kubernetes cluster. By defining the desired state of a node and linking it to the appropriate bootstrap and infrastructure resources, the Machine Resource ensures that bare-metal servers (like Intel NUCs) are correctly provisioned, configured, and integrated into the cluster. Through its integration with Tinkerbell, the Machine Resource abstracts the complexities of hardware provisioning, allowing you to manage bare-metal Kubernetes nodes with the same ease as virtual machines in the cloud.